Our Principle of Giving
We live in a culture where spirituality cannot be separated from generosity. The needs of our communities and of the world are impossible to ignore.
The teachings of Jesus implore us to give to those in need and to commit ourselves to an ethic of generosity. The scriptures say that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7) not just because the church's needs are met, but because God's heart is made glad when we depend on him to provide for us.
Under Old Testament law, 10% of a person's income was to be given as a "tithe". Now under grace, we believe that we are free from the law, and we are encouraged to use the 10% as a guideline or starting point for giving to the local church, with any other offerings beyond that.
Via your bank.
If you have internet banking you can set up regular giving yourself, our bank details are as follows:
CAF Bank Ltd
Account No: 00029166
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Name: Central Vineyard Northampton
Online card payments.
Secure payment can be made online via ChurchSuite. This is a secure and private way in which you can give to Central Vineyard either as a one-off gift or on a regular basis.
Donate Via Churchsuite >
Sunday Offering.
As part of our worship on Sundays there is an opportunity to give through the offering. Bowls are passed around for both cheques or cash. If you are our guest on Sunday morning please don't feel obliged to give anything.
Whichever method you use, if you are a UK taxpayer don't forget to sign and complete the Gift Aid section on the Standing Order form. This entitles Central Vineyard to claim the tax back that you have paid on your donation - that's currently equivalent to 25p in every pound, so your money will go even further