What does it mean
to follow Jesus?
You may be familiar with the term ‘Christian’, but what does it mean to be a disciple, or follower of Jesus?
Put simply, it means you re-organise your life around three goals:
Be with Jesus,
Become like Jesus
& Do what Jesus did.
Our desire is that as we choose to practise the way of Jesus, our lives and our community will be brought to life.
What does it mean to practise the way of Jesus?
Following Jesus is an entire life’s pursuit. It is not just an event on a Sunday but a “way” of life in community around the teachings of Jesus. To “practice the way of Jesus” is to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus, to put his teachings into practice in all aspects of your life. As we live this way, we are transformed from the inside out.
We believe this kind of deep, authentic, radical change of character is possible even in the chaos of the modern, digital, urban world. Through teaching, practise, community, and the Holy Spirit, we can recover our humanity in discipleship to Jesus.

Live as people
of prayer.
We want to be a people of prayer, living our lives in constant connection with God. As part of this life of prayer, We participate in the rhythms of personal daily prayer as well as making time during the week to pray together as a community. We also introduce new prayer initiatives throughout the year.
Follow Jesus into the
waters of baptism.
Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water into the name of the triune God. It is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. Baptism signifies that a person’s former way of life has been put to death and depicts a release from their slavery to sin.

How can we
be so sure of
all this?
Do you have questions and doubts about the way of Jesus? Alpha is an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgement or pressure. We would love to hear your thoughts and questions as we explore these themes together without the pressured atmosphere that usually comes with these conversations.